Military Crimes
Crimes alleged to have been committed by members of the United States military are governed by a distinct set of laws and procedures. Military criminal laws are set forth primarily in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 United States Code Chapter 47, which was implemented by the President through the Manual for Courts-Martial. Violations of these laws are investigated by military commanding officers, as well as military and civilian law enforcement agencies, and are tried by courts-martial, the military court system. Those subject to courts-martial jurisdiction include active members of the military, prisoners of war, persons accompanying the Armed Forces in time of declared war, those accused of violating certain laws of war, and other individuals in limited circumstances.
Courts-martial are not subject to all of the rules which are generally imposed on U.S. federal courts, and individuals being investigated and/or tried by courts-martial are not entitled to all of the Constitutional protections which are generally afforded to criminal defendants in U.S. federal and state courts.
Given the high stakes involved, as well as the particularities of the courts-martial process, it is imperative that individuals facing military criminal charges choose an attorney with the knowledge and experience necessary to defend such a case. I have chosen to focus my practice on White Collar Crimes, including military crimes. I fight hard to enforce the rights of my clients, and I believe in the integrity of that fight.
Over the last 40 years, I have earned a successful track record in high stakes white collar matters and have argued before the United States Supreme Court as well as other federal courts throughout the country. If you have questions or concerns about a military criminal matter, I invite you to contact me directly to discuss it at 888-700-1555 or You will discuss your concerns with me personally—never an associate or a paralegal. In addition, you should know that your contact with me, and with my firm, is privileged under the law, regardless of whether or not you decide to retain my firm to represent you.